Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Years Eve...

Me and my family on New Years Eve!!!

Sisterly Love!!! I don't know what I would do without her even though sometimes we don't always meet eye to eye but she's still the best!!!
Me and my brothers... hmmmm.. don't know what to say about them there majorly annoying but I don't know what I would do without the losers!!! :)
My nephew isn't he the cutest little thing in the world.. I think so he's defanately the best thing ever even though he acts like he's still in his terrible 2's at 3. I love him to death he's like my own kid. 

More Sisterly Love!!! She's defanately like a sister to me even though she's not really.. I still love her like she is!
My nephew again.. just can't get enough of him!!!
Me and mom
Me and bubby.. defanately the one person I could NOT live without!!!
My little bro the funniest little kid ever!!!
ME!!!!! Gotta love my nephews hat think I wanna steal it!!! :)

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