Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Wow so parents suck its like they think they control you whole life I mean seriously I feel like i'm in a prison its like they expect you to do EVERYTHING they want you to do! They think you should be home by a certain time which if I may say so myself is usually a rediculous time or if there like my parents they don't let you go out hardly at all. Also they think you should like the people they want you to like and if you don't its liek the whole world is coming to and end!!! Then there constantly complaining about something.. and they have no idea how to do anything from this century its like "Well back in my day we didn't do that or even think about doing that" blah blah blah... who cares its not back in your day its in our day so its pretty much like were either raising our parents or getting treated like were 2 years old by them. 

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