Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Wow School Sucks!!! I hope we get out the rest of the week but then I would have to be home all week so either way I don't win. :( People at school are so ignorant they think they can just say whatever they want without anyone getting hurt, well they might not get the hurt but the person there saying it to does, sometimes even people you "THINK" is your bestfriend says something, and the teachers don't do anything about it. Isn't that what there here for is to help the students well our school isn't very good at it. Some of the teachers even say stuff with the students, and thats wrong. I guess maybe thats just my thought but honestly I think everyone should be thinking that to and maybe try to do something about it to stop the "school bullying."  But honestly I don't think they ever will because unless its happening to there kid they don't care and most the teachers here there kids are the ones doing the bullying.

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