Monday, January 31, 2011


Ugh.... I feel so terrible I hate being sick!!! I got a major headache and my nose is stuffed up I am really sleepy and I still have a half a day of school to go then I have to go home and deal with my parents. This really sucks. Hopefully I get to watch Pretty Little Liars to night though, and atleast I don't have to go to the dentist tomorrow like I was supposed to that would suck!!!Hoping I get to get my book "Me" By: Ricky Martin because I really want to read it but I haven't got it yet.... well today is gonna be a longgggg..... day since everyones sick... at least I got a Dora bandaid for my papercut HAHA I love Dora kinda childish but oh well... :/

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Soldier

We will miss you Lil' Curt!!! Love You and can't wait to see you again!!! My prayers will be with you!!!
Lil' Curt and the boys!
Me and Lil' Curt!!!
When were over here in our comfy bed and walking on our paved sidewalks there over there slepping on the ground and walking up and down rough mountains, hills and dirty streets risking there lives so there family and even people they don't even know some who are ungrateful can live safely and freely!!!
Cody and Lil'Curt
Collin and Lil' Curt

Cute Quotes and Sayings

I LOVE quotes and sayings!!! They are amazing it's like theres one for every moment in my life!!!
So true!!! Happens all the time!!!

Yup! This is also true when you really love someone its hard to get over them and sometimes you just can't!

It's is better to be hate dfor something you are then loved for something your not because your not hated by everyone there's that one person who loves you no matter what, but if your loved for what your not then you won't love yourself and odds are neither will anyone else because they can't truly love you when your not really who they think you are.

Ignore what people say and the drama they create becaus eif you go through life worrying about it you won't be happy!

Finding out who you are is hard but defanately worth it in the end!!!

True! True! True!
Everyone has that special someone in the world, it just may not be who you think it is.
No one knows everything about someone else's life so you shouldn't judge them for who they are.
Everyone has someone out there in the world and it doesn't matter if your a guy and a girl or two girls or 2 guys love is love.

Its your life no one else so live how you want.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Years Eve...

Me and my family on New Years Eve!!!

Sisterly Love!!! I don't know what I would do without her even though sometimes we don't always meet eye to eye but she's still the best!!!
Me and my brothers... hmmmm.. don't know what to say about them there majorly annoying but I don't know what I would do without the losers!!! :)
My nephew isn't he the cutest little thing in the world.. I think so he's defanately the best thing ever even though he acts like he's still in his terrible 2's at 3. I love him to death he's like my own kid. 

More Sisterly Love!!! She's defanately like a sister to me even though she's not really.. I still love her like she is!
My nephew again.. just can't get enough of him!!!
Me and mom
Me and bubby.. defanately the one person I could NOT live without!!!
My little bro the funniest little kid ever!!!
ME!!!!! Gotta love my nephews hat think I wanna steal it!!! :)


We made a cake in my Family Meals class today and i'm thinkin mine didn't turn out to great but i'm hoping i'm wrong... tomorrow were decorating them... should be fun right? Hopefully mine doesn't turn out to be a really bad glob of cake mix and icing. I'm not the greatest cook in the world so it probally will, or just my luck it will turn out to be a burnt glob of cake mix with icing!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


People can be really stupid sometimes, they think they are so cool when they bully someone but really there not there just being stupid. You would think that with all the suicides that happen because of bullying people would stop by now. But I guess not people are just that ignorant that its like they have to bully someone to feel better about themselves, and the stuff they bully people for is just ridiculous. Most of the people who are bullied are bullied because of there color, learning abilities, race, gender, or there sexual orientation. All of those are things that cannot be changed about a person you can't change them, because they were born black or white, female or male, gay or straight, Chinese or Mexican. so why bully them for it they can't change who they are. So bullying them for those reasons is just wrong!!!


Wow so parents suck its like they think they control you whole life I mean seriously I feel like i'm in a prison its like they expect you to do EVERYTHING they want you to do! They think you should be home by a certain time which if I may say so myself is usually a rediculous time or if there like my parents they don't let you go out hardly at all. Also they think you should like the people they want you to like and if you don't its liek the whole world is coming to and end!!! Then there constantly complaining about something.. and they have no idea how to do anything from this century its like "Well back in my day we didn't do that or even think about doing that" blah blah blah... who cares its not back in your day its in our day so its pretty much like were either raising our parents or getting treated like were 2 years old by them.